Minutes of July 5, 2007 Meeting
Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association
Board of Trustees

Trustees in Attendance:                        

John Bunton                                      Craig Campbell                       Candice Mauseth
Greg Bruce                                        Fritz Bright                              Diane Noble
Members in Attendance:

Patt Swirtz                                        Larry Woodall                         Gloria Jones
Denny Swirtz                                    Mike Noble                             Warren Jones
Marcy Clark                                     Pat Hart                                   Ezra Benson

The meeting was called to order by Co-President, John Bunton at 10:00 a.m.  John asked for any changes or additions to the agenda.  There were none.

Minutes of Previous Board Meetings
Craig made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 25, 2007 Board of Trustees Meeting; Candy second. No further discussion.  Motion was unanimously approved.

Prevost Harbor
Craig is going to contact Rhys Spoor to see if we can order a “temporary parking only” sign for the parking area.  Greg was given the history of this issue – long-term parking practices by some residents that prevents the mowing of the area. Greg asked if the board intends to take any action against owners who use the area as their long-term parking and wants to make sure we aren’t planning on towing any cars out .  The board agreed there would be no action other than notices on vehicles, signs in the area and simply talking to those owners who leave their cars.  There was discussion of whether we should designate 1-week or 2-week as the maximum limit.  The board decided not to define “temporary” by 1 or 2 week time frame but rather to inform the owners of cars that have been using the lot as long-term seasonal parking with a notice explaining the problem.  Candy said she was having other signs made for burn ban and would add the temporary parking sign to that order. 

John said he thinks we also need caution signs at the ends of the airstrip as a safety reminder for owners and their guests.  There was a discussion of what language and the board decided to place signs reading “Caution!  Low-flying Aircraft” at both ends of the airstrip.

Greg said Dave Clark had asked him what the board was going to do about cars parking at the top of the Prevost Dock ramp area which is also a clear space zone for aircraft. Craig said this is for very short time periods for loading/unloading only.  Residents should use common sense and not leave their cars there with a parking lot available.  Craig said there was discussion at the general meeting of moving the whole dock over but he does not think we should do that; Fritz agreed.

Craig said there is only one anchor on the Prevost dock with a new rope securing it–Bruce Keithly’s son added the new rope.  John reported that there is also a chain underneath that is not connected to anything, though it may have been in the past.  He has asked around but nobody knows.  There was discussion as to whether we need a second anchor on the dock.  Craig recommends we leave the dock as it is.  Diane asked whether a single attachment is appropriate for our dock.  John said Dave Nutter remembers at one time they drilled a hole into the big rock and were going to put an eye in it to secure the dock on that side. John reported that another person suggested we use the concrete slabs (formerly at Reid Harbor ramp) and criss-crossed anchors at both sides.  Following additional discussion the board approved a second anchor, using a concrete slab and the chain.  Craig also reported that he will re-paint the yellow loading/unloading area at the end of the dock.

Mike Noble said that people are parking on the runout area between the airstrip and dock ramp and he noticed one of the pilots parked there. The board discussed and approved an additional sign for that area: “Airport Overrun Area – Keep Clear.”

Roads - Gravel Plan
Craig presented two options for road gravel: 1) Humpback Hauling run with 6½ yds. of 5/8"- which is the maximum he can carry.  The cost would be $650.  The second option is a Pintail hauling run from Friday Harbor with 10 yrds of 5/8"- and 10 yrds. of 2"- for a cost of $2,000. Craig believes the second option would be a more permanent solution, using the larger rock as a base with the small rock on top of it. This is for use only at the east end of the runway.

John said we have to be careful about drainage at the end because pooling could be a problem. Craig said that Ted Z. does a good job during the summer months maintaining that portion of road and it’s in pretty good shape now, so it’s the winter months we’re really talking about.  Candy said it’s pretty sloppy in the winter.  Greg asked if we’d lost any of the runway due to people avoiding the mud on the road and instead driving across the runway.  Fritz didn’t notice a problem this spring.  Greg said it was a muddy mess last Thanksgiving.  Candy said that the mess started when we put down clay 2 years ago and then added nice dirt for the summer which then turns to muck in the winter.

The board discussed constraints of the current budget for this large maintenance project.  There was consensus to do the project right with grading of the road and an adequate amount of base and gravel.

Candy made a motion to earmark a portion of this years maintenance budget and combine it with next years budget and do the work in 2008; Fritz second.  Motion was unanimously approved.

Runway - Trees at East End
John asked if this was on the agenda prior to the cutting of the trees.  Candy replied that she had asked Diane to add this item to the agenda about two weeks ago since the subject had been brought up in a casual conversation about the status of the project.  Diane said the notice of the meeting including this issue had been posted for 10 days prior to this meeting.

Craig said this issue started  May 24, 2006 at a board meeting.  Dave Clark requested that select trees at the southeast end be marked and be removed and the board approved the plan. John asked if there had been a motion or a vote at that time. Craig said the project was verbally agreed to by the former board.  Dave was asked about the project recently by Association members and gave the go-ahead based on approval of the previous board in May 2006 to remove the trees.  Diane read the minutes of the 5/24/06 (former) board meeting concerning the trees, and also the minutes of 6/16/2006 concerning transitional issues regarding the runway as Fritz took over the responsibility, 7/5/2006 under open meeting comments when Denny Swirtz asked if there was a project planned for that area, and the 9/1/06 under board member reports when Charlene Renquist, then Co-President, reported she had e-mailed Fritz about various runway issues including the trees at the southeast end.

There was additional discussion and differing opinions as to whether the trees were a safety hazard. Candy said it is important from a liability standpoint that the board take reported safety concerns seriously and take appropriate action on them.  Craig said Dave brought up this issue 4 days before he went off the board and the project should be carried forward. John said that the lesson here is for board members to get what they want done on “their watch.”  Greg said that this was on the agenda for this meeting and these trees were cut down day-before-yesterday.  John said he believes it was an honest mistake that won’t happen again.  Fritz asked who’s going to clean it up.  Warren Jones said only a portion of the trees were taken down and he’s sure Ted Z. would be willing to help get the area cleaned up.  Warren said he’s glad to help and John will help with others in a work party.

Patt Swirtz commented that she understood from Candy at the general meeting that this board was making a policy that all projects would be approved at the general meeting.  Patt didn’t remember this project being brought up at the general meeting or being funded.  John responded that he understands that there is no expense associated with the removal of the trees and that the work was done as a kind of carry-over.  Patt asked if that means that the rest of the trees are going to be taken down?  John said no, he sees no reason to take down more trees.  Patt asked that this information be conveyed to those involved.  Candy said yes, it was not appropriate for the work to have been done without discussion, especially with the issue on the agenda.  Diane said she believes it was inferred by those who did the work that it was an approved project and there was no malice in their actions, but it’s unfortunate that it was already on this agenda and we would have had a public conversation on the issue.

Mail Shack Location
Candy added this agenda item since it was brought up by Steve Knopp at the annual meeting, who said the mail shack is in the way of his plane as he taxis to his lot.  John said that if the mail shack is on a roadway or taxiway we need to move it, but if it’s not it should probably stay put.  A map was produced and a discussion ensued about the actual vs. map locations.  Craig and John volunteered to measure out the properties and report back to the board and Steve Knopp.

Storage Hangar
Candy reported that a member had asked about the status of the dump truck and that’s why it is on the agenda.  Whose dump truck is it? Why is it in here (the hangar)?  Why do we maintain it? Craig responded that the truck belongs to Howard Berman but it does not have to be inside the hangar since Ted Z. leveled out a spot for it outside.  Fritz reported that he had spoken to Howard about the truck and truck maintenance but Fritz doesn’t think we need a dump truck or the liability for it.  Howard told Fritz that Howard owns the truck and intends to donate any revenue back to the community.

Patt Swirtz commented that the community had no input into the acquisition of the dump truck, but spent a lot of money repairing it.  She doesn’t think anyone “signed on” for this heavy piece of equipment that could be a big liability nor that our insurance covers it–and we don’t have title to it.  Fritz said the issue is resolved because Howard owns the dump truck; Candy reiterated that Howard owns and is responsible for the dump truck and its maintenance.  The Association allows him to store it because he donates any revenue he generates to the Association.

Greg commented that we need it to move stumps and gravel and individuals hire it for their uses and doesn’t see a problem with its use.  Diane reported that the Association received donation revenue (from Howard Berman) of $127.50 during the 2006-07 fiscal year.  There was discussion of how much money was spent to repair the truck.  Diane looked up the expense from 2005-06 of $1812. Craig said the Association will need to use the truck for next years’ gravel project.  John summarized the issue: the truck belongs to Howard and any maintenance expense is his; any revenue, he gives.

Investment of Association Funds
Diane reported that she has researched alternatives for investing Association funds in the special accounts (deductible-$5000; emergency-$4000; equip. replacemt-$4000.  Total- $13,000) that would give us a better interest rate than the .35% and .65% we currently earn.  Diane described CD investment opportunities at our two local banks and also an “orange” internet  account with ING Direct which would link directly to our checking account and not be subject to penalties if the funds were needed.  There was discussion about rates of return, penalties for early withdrawal, and safety of the funds.  Diane also recommended we close out the stagnant ramp account.

Craig made a motion to open an orange account for investing the Association’s special funds (currently $13,000); Greg second.  Motion was unanimously approved.

Maintenance Assessment Issue
Diane described this issue as arising through continuity from one board to the next.  Property owners had formerly requested to get caught up on their dues and to be made a “group” since some of the family owns one parcel; some of the family owns two other parcels. Craig had communication with them at that time.  For the 2007-08 calculation for Maintenance Assessments, Diane had determined two separate assessment paying owners.  Craig filled in the background of this issue whereby he and Charlene had researched the issue and decided this family could get caught up and pay one set of dues, using the Alpine cabins “group” as a precedent.  There was a discussion to clarify the issue.  Craig said that this should be addressed as part of the whole bylaws review, and recommends we stick with last years decision for this year only. Fritz asked if there are any other properties around the island that are owned like this, so that we are treating all members the same? Diane responded that there are five.

Craig made a motion that the board continue last years decision for one more year (2007-08) to allow the family in question to pay only one maintenance assessment for the 3 lots; Candy second.  Motion was unanimously approved.

Diane & Craig will write a letter to the family informing them of this decision.

Board Reports

Web Site
Greg reported that the Stuart Island web page is getting quite a bit of use lately.  People are posting info.  such as barge sharing and well drilling opportunities.  We can add the board meeting minutes to the web site by e-mailing to Greg

John thanked Candy for setting up the defibulator training workshop which was very valuable and well attended.  Candy reported that there was considerable interest in a 2-day First Aid class for next summer.  She will have sign-ups and have it posted on the web site.

Finance Report
Diane passed out reports generated by the new QuickBooks software: 45 maintenance assessement payments have been made, 2 from last year, plus donations from 21 members in the amount of $1587.
The Airstrip insurance is due next week; Craig has submitted the application to our agent.

Diane read a letter from a member paying his maintenance assessment which stated that he does not recognize the payment as mandatory; Diane gave the letter to Candy for the Bylaws Committee.

Diane will file the 1120-H form to the IRS.  The tax rate is 30% over $100 exempt, so our $107 of interest  will cost us $2 in taxes.

Greg reported that the dock pump’s gas tank is in need of replacement.  He had cleaned up the pump and gotten it running--it needs to be run periodically.  He will look for a plastic replacement tank.  Candy offered to make up a set of operating instructions like the ones she made for the fire wagons that would be attached to the pump.

Fire Protection
Candy reported that the Firewise Program in Friday Harbor has lost its funding, though there are still volunteer activities that we may benefit from.  The Fire Chief at San Juan County is making up our Burn Ban signs and we should get them before it’s Burn Ban season.  Currently the County fire danger designation is HIGH with recreational contained pit fires okay.  The telephone number on the sign is to the Sheriff’s Office.  Greg mentioned that the County’s web site still says LOW–Candy said they’re not updating it.

Unfinished Business
Fritz asked about paperwork that was needed so we can get some concrete poured in the hangar building.
Candy said the funding for the concrete for the first bay is in the Maintenance budget as well as some cabinetry for Association records.  Howard’s proposal is outside of this.

New Business
Candy passed out a form she has developed which will be used for new capital projects and be sent to all property owners, and posted on the web site,  for majority approval before a new project can begin. Candy explained the various sections of the comprehensive  form.  A copy of the form and cover letter is attached to these minutes.

Craig said the hangar project has been underway and asked if Howard had submitted any project information yet.  Candy said she was waiting for this form to be approved first and now she will hand out this form to people who have proposed projects.  Craig asked how the form will work to get the hangar project going.  John said we need a motion on the form first.

Fritz made a motion to approve the Capital Project Submission form; Diane second. Motion was unanimously approved.

Candy clarified that projects that had already been presented to the members, such as the improvements to the storage hangar building and the Johns Pass Dock or Johns Pass Alternatives still need to be submitted to the board and mailed out to the property owners.

Craig asked what portion of the work can move forward as part of the existing maintenance budget.  Candy said that creating dry storage with a concrete floor, and using the existing lumber for the wall  is already approved within the budget. Fritz will talk to Howard Berman to make sure the maintenance portion of the work doesn’t affect his ability to proceed with his future phased project (that has not been submitted to the members yet).

Candy made a motion that we go ahead with the maintenance-funded project for bay 1 for ‘07, making sure that it won’t affect the future project proposal; Greg second.  Motion was unanimously approved.
Ezra Benson asked how these project forms will be available.  Candy responded that they will be available on-line or a paper copy can be requested anytime. John suggested that we put some forms in the mail shack.

Open Meeting Comments
Ezra made an announcements concerning the Stuart Island School closure and a movement to try to use at least some of  the school property as an island center, especially the library building and small Teacherage Museum. There is a public meeting Saturday, August 11th.   There is also a work party planned to re-roof the library building.

Diane announced that there is a sign-up sheet for the Turn Point Lighthouse fundraiser scheduled for July 21st.

Denny Swirtz asked what the Board’s policy is on Executive Sessions. “Is it always going to be open meetings now or are you going to go back to having secret meetings?”  John responded that there will never be “secret” meetings.  Our meetings will be posted–the only reason to go into an Executive Session would be to discuss personnel-type issues.  Diane added ‘threatened litigation’ and Candy summarized that the rules for Executive Sessions are defined in Robert’s Rules of Order.  John will provide Denny with the language in Robert’s Rules.

Candy asked the group what date would be best for an Association Salmon Dinner fundraiser she is planning for August.

Larry Woodall asked what happened to the ‘PRIVATE’ sign we had atop the Assn.’s hangar and commented that the nice ‘PRIVATE’ signs in front of the hangar and down by the west end of the runway should be moved to the touch-down spots so pilots can see the signs and a ‘PRIVATE’ sign should be added atop the hanger.  Larry thinks our liability could be effected if we don’t get the message across clearly.  He also believes the community controls the airstrip and is fortunate to have many experienced pilots that can discuss necessary safety issues. Larry and Greg & Fritz will try to find an appropriate spot for the relocation of the signs.

Candy reported that San Juan Airlines dropped off a group of Stuart Island West people who had flown in and had a boat that was going to pick them up at the community dock.  Candy had informed them that this is a private airstrip for Association members only.  She also called San Juan Airlines & Island Air and reminded them that the airfield is for Stuart Island East homeowners.  Candy will send the airlines a roster of owners.

John adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:15 p.m.

Final 9/2/07dn