Minutes of Annual Meeting

Stuart Island Airway Park Owner’s Association

May 25, 2008

Trustees in Attendance:                        


John Bunton, Pres.                    Craig Campbell, V.P.               Candice Mauseth

Greg Bruce                               Fritz Bright                               Diane Noble, Secy./Treas.


Pres. John Bunton called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m. and introduced Jon Shannon, San Juan County Director of Public Works, to share information on County Moorage/Parking at Roche Harbor. Jon had very good news on the progress of a new county dock that will replace the “ghetto dock.” Roche Harbor Resort has donated an easement for the new dock. The extensive permitting process will be underway in 2008 and construction is budgeted and planned for 2009-2110.  The dock will be located next to the ramp, will have deep water access at all tides and will have a 60-80 ft. float with moorage on both sides.  The County Council is committed.  The project began 15 years ago with the County interested in a project that included a ramp, road, dock and parking.  Roche Harbor has not been interested in giving up its ramp/road and the parties settled on a dock.


Adequate parking at Roche Harbor for “north islanders” is the county’s next challenge in the years ahead.  It’s a big problem because there isn’t a convenient area for expanded county parking space.  The resort doesn’t have extra parking, especially in the peak visitor months. Jon took questions/comments:


Dave Nutter:  Is the County counting and logging the number of permits it issues for parking at Roche?

Jon: The number of parking/moorage permits greatly exceeds the amount of parking (available. (Estimates of 80 permits and 13 parking places were made by members)

Carole Campbell: Some vehicles seem to have grown roots!

            Jon: The Sherrif’s Dept. has been pretty good at citing vehicles when we tell them.

Howard Berman: Can we buy monthly parking at Roche Harbor?

            Jon: I don’t know.

Ted Zimmerman:  Are we still limited to only one side of the area behind the maintenance bldg. without the middle section?

            Jon: Ultimately we will have more capacity.  We have to be patient.

Ezra Benson: Can we use our county permit for a discount with Roche Harbor Resort? Will future parking be handicap accessible?

            Jon:  It’s a good idea—check with Roche Harbor. Future County parking capacity will meet ADA.

Lin Bunton: What can we do now?  Any suggestions?  Who can we ask?

            Jon:  The resort.  Right now the County only has a loose agreement with the Resort; we need a controlled easement for parking and that is several years off.

John Bunton:  If the County is charging a fee for parking that doesn’t exist, it should either provide the parking or stop charging the fee.

Diane Noble:  Will you help us meet with Roche Harbor to find a short-term solution?  Last year the resort took 2/3 of the parking away.

            Jon: Yes, I will be glad to set this up.

Mike Noble:  What is the County’s agreement now?

            Jon: The “ghetto dock” is leased on a year-to-year basis at great cost with language for parking.  The spaces are way under demand.  When the dock piece is completed—parking is next.

Sally Linwick: Will there be more actual dock space?

            Jon:  Yes, about 4 times the amount of useable space and it will accessible at all tides.

Greg Bruce:  Will there be a size limit on the dock?  Bow tie or side tie?

            Jon:  We can manage the dock anyway we need to accommodate users.

Loie Benson: The current 6-hour time limit is difficult.  Will the county keep that limit?

            Jon:  It will be up to the county to manage for the benefit of users.  Times can be developed to accommodate users.  Same with parking in the future—the county will manage for your benefit.


John Bunton thanked Jon Shannon on behalf of the members for taking a Sunday and holiday weekend to talk to our group.


John welcomed approximately 35 members to this annual meeting with the purpose of passing the annual budget, electing board members, hearing reports and conducting business of our Association. John thanked each of the current board members for their particular contributions during the past year and asked all members in attendance to introduce themselves.


Minutes of 2007 Annual Meeting

Diane mentioned that all members were provided with draft minutes from last year’s annual meeting. Diane reported that last summer Dave Clark had made two clarifications to his personal comments.


Dave Nutter made a motion to approve the minutes; June Bohannon second.  Motion unanimously approved.


Board Reports

            Roads – Craig reported on the upcoming project at the east end of the runway and areas around the storage hangar which is funded in today’s proposed budget at about $2500 and calls for two truckloads of 2” gravel base and 5/8” crushed rock.  The rest of the roads are in pretty good shape


            Airfield - Fritz reported that the airfield is in good shape and benefits from fertilizing each year. Fritz and Denny Swirtz made some patches with a little dirt over gravel to allow grass seed to be planted and it seems to work.  In an effort to reduce keep heavy traffic off the field in the wet months Fritz called San Juan Air to request limited UPS deliveries—1 x week max--during the winter.  Fritz want to order a second new mower as soon as possible: Sears 26 hp, 54” cut, bigger wheels, bigger gas tank—about $2700 + tax on sale.  There is money in the proposed budget. Meanwhile, he is maintaining the mower acquired in fall 2006 in good working order. 


            Fire ProtectionGreg reported good news: the fire wagon pumps and motors are running well—and bad news: one has a small leak.  Greg worked hard to get the Prevost Dock emergency pump/motor working, took it home and changed out the fuel tank that was rusted out.  Greg proposes we acquire a new Honda replacement motor. Howard Berman offered to order the motor at his cost.  Candy reported that the Association purchased our own burn ban signs last summer after she had exhausted the possibility of funding through the county and state.


            Prevost Dock – Craig reported that last summer the Association had purchased chain/rope to better anchor and secure the dock as well as nails for repairs.  Greg asked if the little ramp at the head of the dock will be repaired too and Craig said it would.


            Emergency – Candy reported on a EMS Location Map project that Manca Valum has developed and would have been here to present herself but has important family matters.  This is a draft map that Manca worked on along with the County EMS and will give EMS boat access points, helicopter landing sites, as well as additional info. we can add such as good phone reception sites for various carriers.  Candy passed around the map for members to indicate where phone reception is good.  Candy said the completed map would work in connection with owners’ emergency plans and could be tacked up on doors/refrigerators for use in case of an emergency.  The County EMS will also have the completed map on their website and would share it with emergency personnel.  We will also post the map on our website. Bob Mauseth suggested we add GPS locations. Craig noted that the arrow showing the entrance to Prevost Harbor needs to be moved out and away from the reef along the shore.  A suggestion was made to add the location of the AED defibulator.  Candy will pass along all the suggestions to Manca.  Candy said she would contact the first aid trainer to see what the cost of several defibulators would be in the event individuals would like to purchase one for themselves or small groups of owners want one nearby.


Candy also reported that Rhys Spoor purchased and installed a new windsock.  Rhys also worked with Don Galt to research an effective emergency warning signal in the event of an island emergency.  They are developing their proposal and Candy will pass it along.  Candy envisions a completed EMS Location Map and emergency warning siren in place by next year.  Bob Mauseth suggested that owners have an air horn for individual emergencies with designated blasts, etc.  Candy will pass along the suggestion to Rhys and Don.


Charlene asked if Candy would pass along the information of best phone carrier when she gets it.  Also Charlene reported that a few years ago the Fire Dept. had donated first aid supplies such as splints, etc. and wonders if there is a central area where it should go?  Candy responded that the bay in the storage hangar is getting enclosed this year and dry storage will be added for such equipment.


Storage Hangar - John reported on the ongoing maintenance project to enclose the single bay of the storage hangar that got a concrete floor last fall.  Cabinets for permanent safe, dry storage will be added for Association records and supplies that are currently spread out among members. Fritz suggested a work party to start framing up the walls, get windows and a door, cabinets.  John asked for volunteers.  Craig and Ted Zimmerman volunteered.


Burn Pile – Fritz and Earl Root have been taking care of the burn pile.  If they incur expenses such as diesel fuel, Fritz wants some funding in the budget to cover.  Diane responded that we have funding for property maintenance for such expenses.  John added that fire safety certainly falls within the charter of our Association and the idea that members can bring slash to a central location to be burned is a valid safety program for everyone.


Finance – Diane referred members to the Expense Report 2007-08 in their agenda packets. She reported that there were no surprise expenses during the past year.  Craig’s insurance agent found favorable insurance premiums again, no claims. We kept the $4000 in equipment replacement fund, $5000 in the deductible fund, and emergency fund of $4000. Total spent was $8044 and we’re carrying forward $18,048.  Diane invited anyone who wishes to review the receipts for each expenditure to contact her and noted that Candy and Lin Bunton were at the storage hangar yesterday with all “the books” for the past year and nobody came to review. Next Diane reviewed the Financial Statement, noting the increase in Interest Income due to the equip. replacement/insurance deductible/emergency special fund amounts earning better interest in our ING Orange Acct., despite recently falling interest rates.  Total Income totaled $11,632; Expenses $8044; net Operating Surplus $3588. The ending cash of $19,854 ties into the budget proposal for this upcoming year. The Expense Report and Financial Statement are included with these minutes.  Diane asked owners to review their contact information on their Owner Rosters and let her know of any changes.


2008-2009 Budget Proposal

Candy explained that in order to send out the proposed budget to members at least 14 days in advance of this annual meeting as we began doing last year, we have to “cut off” expenses at the end of April each year.  Candy described the proposals in each category, with Property Maint. increased to allow for the east end road project; $1000 added to the Equipment replacement fund; $1000 added to the Emergency/Protection fund, now fully-funded at $5000.  Candy believes the members appreciate the new method of budgeting Association funds, as the non-paying members are now down from 17 in 2006-07 to 13 this past fiscal year.  John sent a letter to each non-paying member asking what we can do to enlist their participation in the Association and invited them to call or contact him to discuss their reluctance to maintain the common areas. There are no contact phone numbers for these owners so our next communication will be a registered letter.


George Renquist announced that there was a tall pine tree on Association property that is leaning and threatening Fritz’s hangar and George’s hangar.  George wants to be “on record” that we should remove this liability.  Fritz responded that if the tree is on Association property and presents a hazard to their hangars, he and George will remove the tree.  There was no further comment on this issue.


Candy resumed her budget proposal explaining that following approval of the budget the billing cycle will be June 1 with payments due no later than Sept. 1st.


Craig made a motion to approve the 2008-09 budget as proposed; Dave Nutter second. John asked if there was any objection; none.  Motion approved.


Candy reported on the results of the questionnaire concerning member’s thoughts on whether/how to collect unpaid maintenance fees.  So far, 55 of 108 members responded:


            A. Do nothing. (Accrue amount due but make no effort to collect any non-pymt.)           -   11

            B. Collect payment at the time the property is sold.        -   10

            C. If payment is collected when property is sold, add interest to the payment.  -   26

            D. In addition to the above, deny voting rights to non-paid owners. -   39


Committee Reports

            Bylaws – Unfortunately, the committee has not yet met, however Candy will set up a meeting for this year and has a number of issues to discuss, which include new practices and procedural guidelines the current board has implemented:

  1. Annual date for “closing books”
  2. Maintenance-assessment only budget, structure of re-funding amounts
  3. Budget-review schedule to include 14-day required review period for members
  4. Billing cycle to occur following budget approval at the annual meeting
  5. Board Meetings open to all members as required with notice posted with place and time
  6. Annual Financial/Business review-currently a policy for the Saturday before the ann. mtg.
  7. Capital Projects process, requiring full disclosure of all costs/timing of a new capital project to all members
  8. IRS filing, if needed (added by Dave Nutter—the Association made its first IRS filing 8/07 since interest earned exceeded $100 per Diane)


            New Capital Projects – Candy reported that there were new capital project forms provided to pending project heads last year but she had not received anything back.  John reported that Tom Edwards had recently resigned from the John’s Pass Committee; Bill Shivers had no report and assumed the Alternatives to John’s Pass committee was dead.


            Presentations – John reported on behalf of Jackie Wolfe that the emergency containment boom is being stored on the west side of Stuart Is. as it is a better overall site with access to a county truck.



Summer Activities


            Independence Day - Sally Linwick kindly volunteered to organize the 4th of July activities on Saturday, July 5th; times will be posted for parade, family fun activities, and pot luck dinner.


            Turn Point Light fundraiser – Loie reported that a fundraiser is being held Sunday, August 10th, though the Benson’s will not be involved this year and our Association is not providing transportation, etc.  If Association members would like to donate baked goods for their bake sale, that would be good.  Loie also reported that there will be a host and 4 docents stationed at Turn Point this year beginning in June through early August.  Linda & Jim Bergquist are developing a wonderful “history of Stuart Isl” display at the Lighthouse.  Loie invited 2 of the docents and Bob & Helen Oliver to attend tonight’s potluck to enjoy our community and answer questions about their vision for the future of the Stuart Island School.  It appears that the school may be opening for 1 year this September.



John remembered the passing of our island neighbors, John Lord and Barb Pape this past year. Patt Swirtz added the passing of long-time island resident Bob Miller.


George Renquist remembered the thousands of service men and women who have given their lives for their country and have made this day and the lives we live possible for all of us and George hopes we can all remember them today, Memorial Day.



John stated that there are two board positions that need filling: Craig Campbell’s and Candy Mauseth’s seats are open.  Candy has fulfilled her appointment in 2006 to complete Manuel Gonzalez’s term.  There were four nominations with owners asked to vote for two:


            Candy Mauseth                        Rhys Spoor (absent)

            Tom Edwards (absent) Sally Linwick                           


John announced and welcomed the two new board members:  Candy and Sally


Announcements/Open Discussion

  1. Dave Nutter complimented the board for their hard work through the year and obvious preparation.  As an owner of many years, Dave expressed appreciation for the smooth sailing.
  2. Ted Zimmerman reminded owners to drive the entire width on roads including grassy sides instead of down the beaten-down path, which can result in ruts. 
  3. Ted suggested owners avoid ordering big heavy loads during the winter, if possible, since such loads can have a terrible impact on the roads, especially on the east end.
  4. Bob Mauseth expressed a big thanks to Craig Campbell.
  5. Loie encouraged owners to visit the Teacher’s Museum at the Stuart Is. School and enjoy the new exhibit.


John thanked Craig Campbell for his 12 years on the board, noting how fortunate we have all been to have Craig’s thorough, analytical approach applied to all projects, never cutting corners.  John compared Craig to our storage hangar building structure, which is “as solid as a rock.”


John adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.



There was a short add-on meeting of the new 2008-2009 board, who unanimously selected the following officers and areas of responsibility:


President          -           John Bunton                 -           Admin., Roads, Prevost Dock, Storage Hangar

Vice President  -           Candy Mauseth            -           Budget, Capital Projects, Emergency, Fire Prot.

Sec’y/Treas      -           Diane Noble                 -           Admin., Finance

Trustee             -           Fritz Bright                   -           Airfield, Burn Pile

Trustee             -           Greg Bruce                   -           Website/Communications, Prevost Dock, Fire Prot.

Trustee             -           Sally Linwick                -           Finance, Emergency


Fritz made a motion to purchase the second mower which is funded through the approved budget and described in the main meeting, not to exceed $3000; Candy second. Purchase unanimously approved.


Fritz made a motion to purchase the Prevost pump motor which is funded through the approved budget and described in the main meeting; Greg second.  Purchase unanimously approved.


Diane asked for trustees to provide their summer schedules so future board meetings can be arranged.


John adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.

